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Island trip

Experience a unique boat tour with us on our spacious pontoon boat. During the journey to the island, you can often observe dolphins swimming alongside our boat, and with a bit of luck, they may showcase their best tricks. Upon reaching the island, you will feel this unparalleled sense of freedom as you let the white, fine sand run through your toes. Listen to the soothing clatter of shells in the waves or embark on a search for sand dollars or the Eye of Santa Lucia, as these are true treasures and considered lucky charms. Immerse yourself in the clear water and observe the crabs crawling in their huge shells on the seabed. With some luck and patience, you may also spot mantas. 

Price for 4 persons: $360
each additional person: $25 Children: $15

Island Trip
Island Trip
Island Trip
Island Trip
Island Trip
Island Trip
Island Trip
Island Trip
Island Trip
Island Trip
Island Trip
Island Trip
Island Trip
Island Trip
Island Trip
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